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GC in the Bahamas 2023
Meghan Mainor
Jun 2, 2023
Reflections From Back Home!
Overall my experience in San Salvador was an extremely beneficial one not only academically but personally. It was a very interesting...
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Erik Wolstenholme
Jun 2, 2023
Final Reflection
Overall, my trip to San Salvador was eye opening. I have gotten the opportunity see coral reefs and some of the world’s most unique...
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Megan Shekell
Jun 2, 2023
1 Week Post-Gerace
It has been a week since leaving Gerace Center and, I've spent this time adjusting back to normal life and reflecting on my 2-weeks abroad.
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Brenna Hendrix
Jun 2, 2023
What a trip! After two flights back to Atlanta, we finally got to see loved ones and pets! Also get some food we all missed! I personally...
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Anna Culpepper
Jun 2, 2023
We're Back! Life after this Experience.
The journey is over, and we have been back home for almost a week! Although this experience wasn’t exactly easy all of the time, I am...
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Kaylie Heidt
Jun 1, 2023
Goodbye San Sal: back to reality
A view from my side of the trip!
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Maggie Standard
May 30, 2023
10 Plants that Change Bahamian Art
I personally love to paint nature anyway, but having a class that focuses so much on the plants that impact us so greatly, makes me...
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Madison Whitehead
May 28, 2023
Sweet San Sal Mems
Now that our two week study abroad has concluded, I have looked back on all of the experiences and knowledge I have gained. On the road...
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Emily Granier
May 27, 2023
Thoughts from the Plane Ride Home
As I am on the plane ride back to Atlanta, I figured i would think back on my favorite memories from the trip!
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Noah Rylee
May 27, 2023
The End: My Time In San Salvador
I had the Best time in San Salvador and made some really good friends!!!!
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Erik Wolstenholme
May 25, 2023
Erik W-Marine Bio Daily Activities
Every morning I wake up and I am eager to see something that I know is very special. The natural wonders that I have seen on this trip...
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Carter Lillis
May 25, 2023
I'll miss you San Sal
Looking back on the trip, overall, I would say that I enjoyed it. Of course, this trip has had its ups and downs. From being swarmed by...
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Grace Cote
May 25, 2023
Goodbye San Sal, Hello Milly
Although this trip was fatiguing in a myriad of ways, there were still innumerable memories that we shared together. I have not only seen...
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Kaylie Heidt
May 25, 2023
Coming to an End
Throughout this trip I have experienced and learned so many new things about San Salvador and other things that can apply to marine...
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Noah Rylee
May 24, 2023
The Best Time In San Salvador
What I have like about being here so far!
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Maggie Standard
May 23, 2023
The Father of Bahamian Art
Brent Malone was an exceptional artist who was a native of Nassau and the first Bahamian to attend art school. Malone was alive from 1941...
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Madison Whitehead
May 23, 2023
Research & Conservation with a Biology Degree
My chosen baccalaureate major of study is Biology with a concentration in Marine Biology. This concentration could benefit me if I was...
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Anjali Shenoy
May 23, 2023
I Feel Good From My Head Tomatoes;)
Who is Mrs. Juanita? Mrs. Juanita is a beautiful human who was born and raised on San Salvador Island, Bahamas. For the past 86 years,...
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Anna Culpepper
May 22, 2023
Day 9! Half Day and Fossilized Reef!
We started off the day just like we normally do, by heading to the cafeteria for breakfast bright and early, aka 7:30 am. We then came...
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Bradley Niekamp
May 22, 2023
Introduction- Bradley
Hello, my name is Bradley Niekamp and I am going into my 5th year at Georgia College. I am from Atlanta but have recently been living on...
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