What a trip! After two flights back to Atlanta, we finally got to see loved ones and pets! Also get some food we all missed! I personally got Chick-fil-a, but this was after I found a stray kitten about an hour from Milledgeville! We’re both adjusting just fine, but I want to reflect on ways this trip benefited me.
First, this trip allowed me to grow in my confidence. Normally, I wouldn’t try to go out and hike and swim as much as we did on this trip. I think my group calculated our average walking distance to be around 6 miles a day, so I can’t imagine how much we swam!

I’m glad that this trip pushed to me to get out of my comfort zones, and try exciting, new things! I also met a ton of new people that I normally wouldn’t have had a chance to meet. This was scary at first, but I’m excited about the friendships I made on this trip. I think that they will last a while! Lastly, I learned how to fly by myself. Normally, I have only flown with my family, but now I think I will be flying more often.
Culturally, I loved the island. I really enjoyed meeting the people who lived there and learning about their lives. For example, Jeff owned a convenience store on the island and told us about how enjoyed modifying his truck! He also gave us some tips on battling the sand fleas, and shared stories about some GRC staff. Everyone me met was extremely friendly, and it was a culture shock to come home to the less friendly people here.
Another aspect of the culture that I’m glad didn’t affect me is the driving habits. Since we didn’t drive for two weeks on the opposite side of the road, I didn’t worry about messing that part up. I will say that the car ride home made me a little nervous at first being on the right side! I do wish that we honked and waved hello to everyone like they do on the island. I guess we just have to many people to wave to!
Lastly, I felt like I had personal growth in my academics. At Georgia college, I only get to research in a lab on campus. Going to San Salvador, everything was in the field. This was such an exciting way to experience learning, and I hope to keep snorkeling as a personal project. I’m going to try some out in Florida when I travel soon! I was also able to learn more about classification and identifying marine organisms. While I have some experience with this, I learned about a lot of new plants and animals.
Overall, this trip taught me more than just science. I learned about culture, relationships, and some history too. While I am happy to be home, I am missing the crystal blue water and seeing friends every day. It is much better than getting back to work!