Hey! My name is Noah, and I am a senior Biology major. When I heard about the opportunity this study abroad offered, I could not pass it up. I am very excited to get down to San Salvador and start learning. I do have a background in Marine Biology from taking the Course this past spring, so I am ready to see and learn about all the course teaches while being in and around the water.
I have always been interested in biology and science in general. After I am finished with undergrad, I plan on getting my masters in biology or a related field. I have not decided all the places I would like to go but GCSU is one of the places I am applying to, due to the research I have started and the personalized feel the university has. I want to do a combination of working in the field and doing lab work. In my free time I am in the lab getting some work done, Working out. In the last couple of months, I have started rock climbing which I have come to love. It challenges me mentally and physically. I hope to get outside some this summer and start climbing on real rock and test myself. Other than that, I mostly hangout with friends and just socialize and try connecting with as many people as I can.
I have never been on a trip like this, but I have been to the Bahamas once before. I really enjoyed it; I was able to snorkel a little bit and see some of the diverse marine life around Nassau. I am hoping to see a lot more while in San Salvador and hopefully learn more about the culture since this will only be my second time outside of the United States. I’m looking forward to meeting all of you and having a great time in the Bahamas!