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Kaylie Heidt

Day One on San Sal!

We arrived at the station yesterday after a smooth and quick flight. Everyone seemed excited and eager to get to the station. However, (dramatic pause) the gerace station came with a surprise. The living accommodations were rather interesting, especially being that there is no air conditioning and it is quite literally hotter in the dorms than it is outside. However, I am trying to stay positive and have a good attitude because who wouldn't when they're in the bahamas? I’ve always loved living at the beach and always dealt with this type of heat from back home which is not always pleasant, so adjusting may be a little hard, but it is definitely doable. The bathrooms are also very interesting and there are only a couple showers and a whole bunch of girls. Who needs showers anyways when the second you step out you start sweating again, ha! Kidding, but I will say it is nice experiencing these things with everyone else and getting a good delirious laugh from them. I also have thoroughly enjoyed the food here as it tastes fresh and delicious. It is definitely different and better than from back home, so Milledgeville needs to step up their food game! My favorite foods so far has been grilled cheese, which was the size of my head (and that's saying something), all the desserts, and breakfast. I have not had one bad meal so it makes up for some of the accommodation let downs. Settling in has been a little rough, since its only day two, and getting used to the different things has been quite challenging. I could not tell you the last time I woke up feeling like someone poured a whole gallon of water on my bed from sweat and when I was eaten alive by ferocious sand gnats 24/7 but hey we live and we learn. Ive most enjoyed the beautiful beaches, the snorkel sites, and the food so far. The coral reefs we visited were beautiful and vibrant, filled with aquatic life like fish, coral, and plants. My favorite part of the day is seeing Grace freak out because I told her a barracuda was right by her. Before I had told her they love shiny things, and she is filled with piercings so she was scared they would get a little too friendly. My experiences here have allowed me to get a better understanding of the bohemian culture through the food, learning about the history of the island, and observing how they live their lives here stress free.

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